About Us

Metro Cities (the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities) is a membership organization representing cities in the seven-county metropolitan area at the Legislature, Executive Branch and Metropolitan Council. It is the only metro-wide entity that monitors regional and advocates for cities at the Metropolitan Council and that represents the interests of metro area cities at the state levels of government.

The organization was created with the primary objective to be an effective and influential voice at the state and regional levels of government. The organization’s membership includes cities of all sizes and characteristics across the metropolitan region.

All legislative policies are developed, vetted and adopted by the organization’s member cities each year and serve as the foundation of the organization’s work.

Metro Cities provides a unique forum for city officials in the region to work together, share ideas and problem solve and to foster open communication among city, regional and state officials.

Metro Cities Mission

To advance the shared interests of all metropolitan cities at the Executive Branch, Legislature and Metropolitan Council

Metro Cities Vision

An economically strong and vibrant metropolitan region that promotes successful communities

Objectives and Goals

Metro Cities (created in 1974 as the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities) primary objective is to be an effective voice for metropolitan cities at the Legislature and Metropolitan Council, so as to influence state legislation affecting metro area cities, and regional policies that accommodate the needs of metro area cities.

Metro Cities is the only metro-wide entity that lobbies and monitors the Metropolitan Council, and the only region-wide organization representing cities before the Legislature and Executive Branch.

Metro Cities represents 89 member cities, comprising 90% of the region's population, including the core cities, inner ring and developing communities, before the State Legislature and Metropolitan Council.

Metro Cities provides a forum for bringing city officials from across the region together to share ideas and experiences and works to foster open lines of communication between city officials and officials at the state and regional levels of government.

Metro Cities lobbies on a wide range of policies, over 60 in all, including transportation, local government aids and credits, wastewater, redevelopment and housing. Legislative policies are developed each year by consensus of our membership.

By statute, Metro Cities makes municipal appointments to the Met Council's TAB, TAC and GIS Boards, giving metro area cities a voice on these important boards and committees.
Metro Cities
145 University Ave W.
St. Paul, MN 55103-2044
(651) 215-4000